Sunday, November 30, 2014

The countdown is on

I can't believe how fast time flies, I mean really DOES fly. It was just the beginning of the year when I started negotiating with a business who was looking for a Christmas card photo with a design...well, partly because of me, but by now we haven't made a decision :) - and it is the end of the year.

You know now, what I mean?

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Baby toad

Nature is amazing, it keeps surprising me every time I connect with it or see its fruits, if to put it like that, like this toad sitting so calmly on my palm and posing for the camera. Incredible, uh?

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Fever blister

28.11.2009 home, Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

Got a really bad cold sore in Kentucky, oh well, it took forever for it to heal, and it broke often, here is the best one :P

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


27.11.2009 bar, Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

This shot means I have finished my on the road for nearly two months. I saw New Jersey, North Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and New York state of course. It was a great experience, met wonderful people, ate amazing food. Just a little more and then three months in USA is just a great memory...

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


26.11.2009 street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Art is everywhere.
Time is everywhere.
Shadows are everywhere.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Famous 4th Stret Diner

23.11.2009 Famous 4th Street Diner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

That is the ULTIMATE diner experience for me, thanks to wonderful Howard. See those platefuls, how it is possible to finish that, I sure didn't end my omelet :O Interesting people and nice setting. What a true experience. "In her shoes", where Cameron Diaz also played had some scenes shot in there as many other movies.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Vaba teema fotonäitus-müük

Reedel, 5. detsembril kell 17.30 avatakse Tartu raudteejaama ootesaalis (Vaksali 6) fotonäitus-müük „Vaba teema”

Näitusel pakutakse vaatamiseks viie erineva pildistaja töid. Millised teemad fotodel kujutatud on, selgub alles ürituse pidulikul avamisel. Tööd on erinevad ja omanäolised, kuna tööde autorid on erineva fotograafilise tausta ja tunnetusega. Osalejad pole eelnevalt koos oma fotosid presenteerinud.

Fotod tegid Arp Karm, Kerly Ilves, Käty Tarkpea, Priit Mürk ja Silja Järv. Näitusele on valitud fotod, mis on sobilikud kaasa osta kingituseks või oma kodu kaunistamiseks. Osalejad pakuvad oma käsitööd (fotod, postkaardid jms) taskukohaste hindadega.

Näituse korraldavad piltnikud ühiselt oma kuludega, näituseruumiga toetab lahkelt Tartu raudteejaam. Näitus-müük on külastajatele tasuta ja eksponeeritud vaid kaks päeva, reedel 5. detsembril 17.30-20 ja laupäeval 6. detsembril 11-16.

Üritus püüab koondada aktiivseid hobipiltnikke ning pakkuda talvehaku Tartu kultuurimaastikul pisut põnevust. Pealkirjaga “Vaba teema” on kokku võetud näituse autorite erinevus, presenteeritavad tööd kui ka ürituse formaat.


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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Eastern Kentucky University photo studio

23.11.2009 EKU, Kentucky

Isn't that a cute little photo studio. You can use many backgrounds and a set of two good lights.

Old-school rules.

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Friday, November 21, 2014

US flags

22.11.2009 PapaToJo's, Kentucky

While we were on our weekend hunting we stayed at the grandparents place. It was a nice, cozy, warm and interesting experience, to live together with Americans :) I especially liked the interesting way how presenting old sticks as an USA flag.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014


21.11.2009 McGlone, Kentucky

This photo shows so much of American culture, also portrays a nice view of a wonderful fall morning. 
It would be great if while watching this photo you can feel it...

This was the old farm of the family which belonged to parents of the woman pictured on the right. We came down there for a November deer hunting, as the season was opened. I was sitting in a hide for hours, but thank god it wasn't successful for us. Though somebody took a buck down and my friend Tim, on the photo took down another on Sunday morning.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Find the cup vol. 2

Remember THIS, here is another small series with assignment to find the class ;)

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19.11.2009 Lexington, Kentucky

Keeneland is located in Lexington, Kentucky. This includes Keeneland Racecourse, a Thoroughbred horse racing facility. The place is also knows for its reference library on the sport, which contains more than 10,000 volumes, videocassettes and photo negatives, also newspaper clippings.
Keeneland is ranked #1 in North America amongst all Thoroughbred racetracks located there.

It takes lots of people to run this facility, especially when there are Thoroughbred presentations for the possible customers. 

I found this very interesting that, as I had never been to a Thoroughbred live-selling, that the horses are brought inside so possible customers who by the way come all over the world, could see the "merchandise" with their own eye.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014


The first key to the household.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Sweet week has started!

Smile more to fight with November or become a Movember.

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Inxu is settled

16.11.2009 North Carolina

I guess this time was no kicking out of the bed. Lucky!

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Friday, November 14, 2014


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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Spring green

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sleep so good

13.11.2009 North Carolina

Never I have seen a child sleeping so sweet, as this one pictured.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Calm vol. 18

Kiosk No. 1 still standing strong in Tallinn.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Narva mnt. 89 dormitory vol. 1

I call this the the survey of the space. Not a scientific one. More like a tour-survey I was given by its former inhabitant. 

We entered from the back of the building.

Still-life of such a beautiful hallway.

Peek to the washroom, which was an empty space with  four taps.

Across from the washroom or rather a basin-room was the toilet, which offered interesting Estonian on the doors of the cabins.

Also what not to do with the brush of the toilet and what to do with it.I think some still do not know what the brush is for.

Kitchen was again quite a large room with lots of empty (dancing?) space.

Note about the rules in the kitchen. Not sure they work 100%.

And we left also from the back of the building. Full circle.

But this is not all there are still the doors, the main attraction of the building.

Thank you Olivia.

To be continued....

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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Rosario Dawson

Haven't posted any screenshots for a while. Here is one from not an exceptional movie "Parts Per Billion".

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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Andre Vare

I met Andre in Toronto while participating in estDocs as a volunteer. He did the sound for the festival. I have always liked sound and lights, I may know some of the lights, but nil about the sound, so I admire the people who are skilled on this. He was an easy character to talk with. Not so much about the lights, but life overall. I was managed to snap this shot of him while he was working.

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Friday, November 07, 2014

Western Jackdaw

We do not have many interesting species of birds in Estonia, well actually we do, but you just do not see them, so there is not much left than the so-called average species, as crow, sparrow, pigeon, starling, jackdaw etc. 

I would call this a winter dream.

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Thursday, November 06, 2014


7.11.2009 North Carolina

Before going for a walk. When we got back in we were soaking wet, as we got a sudden rain fall.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

People wearing hats

Remember THIS? This is addition, but this time people are wearing different hats.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2014


5.11.2009 North Carolina

Indescribable feeling. Beautiful. Calm.
Lonely. Deserted. Useless.
Time is gone and never coming back.

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Monday, November 03, 2014


Buildings are great from the outside, but inside reveal completely different understanding of the building. Here is a good example, at least in my opinion, where people bring more life to the inside.

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Sunday, November 02, 2014


There are more to come from this session, but here is a relaxed starter.

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Berk Vaher

Berk Vaher is a common face in Tartu's art scene. He is a writer and a critic. Has a great sense in fashion. When you come across him, you would see him most likely wearing the skeleton necklace. He always has his cool on, but you would describe him as a reserved person. Oh, he has a great sense of music, likes r&b :)
That is all I know by observation.

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Saturday, November 01, 2014

Safe at home by now

Another kitten who has found a new home.

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