Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This post is mainly concentrated on the first photo and the knowledge that comes with it. There is always lots of constructing going on in Barcelona and if you have noticed, most of the times, when there is some constructing action is going on, it is divided from the rest of the world by the fence. What is a fence to our mind? A barrier. So we, humans curious as we are by our nature, we of course want to tear down the fence, cross it or make a hole to see through to the other side, to find out what is going on there.
The government in Barcelona asked from the construction companies to create little windows for people to see through what is going on, so they wouldn't make any holes on their own to the fences. In Barcelona the most curious people were elderly, this is because the windows are created.
I am sure this kind of behavior is practiced besides Spain in various countries, but I just wanted to point out its great meaning - communication with people.

The other photos portray some fantastic reflections, which big cities offer and they make us feel somewhere in between, as there is the world in front, we do not see and the whole world behind us. Maybe it even makes feel naked?

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