Christmas Eve

I don't know about the rest of the world, but for the whole day it was snowing in Tartu and in the evening the storm grew stronger, so for those who had to drive, it was all pain. I happened to experience it as well and though it is hard to believe, I am cautious and expect the others to be also, as what I have learned that you can't fight with nature, as it always wins. It's the (unwritten?) law. Taxi drivers are another race and this is not their law, in my opinion for many reasons, which I am not going to point out now, but anyway one of them tried to act against the nature and happened to end his ride in a nice pile of snow. It seemed to me that the car was flying, like a huge butterfly in the snow. He was okay, but he had to take his time to get himself out from there or wait for the help, so he lost time and money, but because of what. He smiled at me and was a bit bewildered, but he knew he acted wrongly.
This story is so full of moral, oh my. BUT ALL IN ALL, dinner was excellent and more to come for Teele on one fine day :)
This story is so full of moral, oh my. BUT ALL IN ALL, dinner was excellent and more to come for Teele on one fine day :)
Häid jõule, Kerly! :)
Häid Jõule, Kerlu!
Aitäh, duubel T, teile samuti :)
:) Kerlu, tead, ükspäev käisin lapsega massööri juures, kes ütles kogu aeg " hässstiiiii" :D Mäletad veel "minu hästit"?
Muidugi mäletan, aga pole seda ammu kuulnud :/
I love the table picture.
Thanks, welcome to Estonia :)
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