Friday, July 29, 2005



Don't you worry 'bout a thing


Vanity Beach (part II)

Vanity Beach (part I)
Photos from Alternative Music Festival PLINK PLONK in Tartu
Take a look at their website to find out more of the festival:

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Kerly Ilves

Sille Annuk
Ok, this is what happened on Friday: I gave an interview and Sille Annuk (Postimees) took a photo of me. I couldn't resist and I took one of her, too :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Okay, rally cars were too fast for me :P
I DON'T care

Looking at his hero

Markko Märtin

What I saw in EOS Rally

Friday, July 22, 2005

Loving life
Well done
Smooth and coarse
Dove in Lastekodu Street. Quiz: find the dove.
On Wednesday I went to Tallinn (Estonian capital). This is what I saw there. I felt good. Isn't that obvious? :)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The other day I played with my camera and sunglasses, all that I was able to find in our household. So here are the results what you can do with them and great ideas.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Have you seen such a world, where reflections are the queens? I can show you. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

It rained tonight and day before yesterday. We needed it, but nature needs a lot more.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Photo of a moment, when I played with a Christmas ornament in a July night

Friday, July 15, 2005

The sticker says: "art". So this is.
Doves and swallows - typical to Tartu

Me and my Tartu

That person should do some window designing. Cute.

A little wooden town in its own juice

My street's nature and art

Yesterday I went with my dear Kiss (camera) for a small walk. I faced next things/moments/people you can see above.

Kelin vs hiking bag

Yesterdy I sent Kelin (my best friend) to UK. So she went. A huge bag in her back. Reminders from that moment. More photos when she's back in Tartu :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

End of the working day. That's what heat does with a face of a office worker, also diligent working.

Tegin nüüd endale siis blogi. Yeee. Kohe alguses sattusin ka kimbatusse - mis keeles panna pealkiri? Panin inglise keeles. Õnneks. Miks? Kuna ma siia nagunii juttu eriti panema ei hakka, sest selle koha lõin ikkagi fotode jaoks, siis saavad ka mu välismaa sõbrad aru sellest keelest, mida siia riputama hakkan. Fotode keel on ju rahvusvaheline. Loodan, et hakkame hästi läbi käima. Blogi ja mina, ning blogi ja Sina, mu kallis vaataja. Muahhhhhhhh. Elu on suurepärane.